Thursday, February 10, 2011


I was told that this fruit grew in 2 places in the world: Maraquitas & a village in Africa somewhere. Upon further investigation, I find out that the fruit actually originated in Southeast Asia, but what the heck. It was banned from imports to the US until 2007, so it is about as exotic as it gets. I bought a bag of about 10 for around $6, not bad for something that sold $45/pound in the US in 2008....


  1. Another blog to follow! Why not? :) p.s.- what does it taste like?

  2. Mangosteen tastes like a sweeter version of a mix between a peach and a plum, kind of. It is super soft 'flesh', & has sections like a clementine, but some sections have seeds about the size of a small plum seed. :)
